Gianinna Caceres Portfolio

About me

Gianinna Caceres

I am a Front-End developer who loves to create functional and beautiful websites and web applications. I am a lifetime learner and detail-attentive.

I am currently working with Angular, TypeScript, RxJs, React and AEM.

A coffee lover, self-taught fashion illustrator, Etsy seller, and language learner.


Web technologies

  • Angular
  • TypeScript
  • RxJs
  • AEM
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery & jQuery UI
  • Bootstrap
  • Less/Sass
  • Wordpress
  • Infragistics
  • Highcharts

Software & Tools

  • Sublime Text editor
  • WebStorm
  • VS Code
  • Git
  • SVN
  • Jira
  • Rally
  • Chrome Developer tools
  • Firebug
  • IE Developer tools
  • TeamCity CI
  • Webpack


  • Responsive Web Design
  • Cross Browser compatibility
  • Mobile First Approach
  • Media Queries
  • Flexbox


  • SDLC
  • Agile methodologies
  • Scrum


Panamanian food stickers
Panamanian food stickers

Panamanian Food iMessage stickers

Personal Project

When: 2017 - Present

I love to draw, so when I saw this tutorial about creating stickers for iMessage I was excited to create my stickers pack. So, on a long weekend, I drew this pack of stickers of Panamanian food.

Tools and software used:

  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • XCode
View stickers in App store.


Personal Project - Iskar Tours

When: 2015 - 2016

Iskar tours is a company that provides tours to San Blas Islands in Panama.

Technologies and Tools used:

  • HTML5/CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • AngularJs 1.5
  • Sketch
  • Grunt
  • Git

Jobs MOGov mobile application [UI Developer Contractor]

CoolSoft - Client: Missouri Government

When: 2014 mobile application is the mobile version of the web portal for information and on-line services provided by the Division of Workface Development.

The application provides workforce services for businesses and job seekers in Missouri, helping job seekers find gainful employment and providing businesses with a skilled, trained workforce.


  • Implemented Apache Cordova plugins such as InAppBrowser, and Geolocation to get user’s position from mobile device.
  • Used JSON to get data from back-end, consuming Restful web services in CORS environment.
  • Implemented Favorites functionality using HTML WebSql and Local Storage, to create, remove, and update favorites list.
  • Utilized Google Maps API and AngularJs for map functionalities.
  • Worked with CSS3 and Ionic CSS components to create the application theme and interactions.
  • Implemented Login/Logout functionality.
  • Worked with Google Maps Library and Apache Cordova Geolocation plugin to get user’s zip code based on user’s current location.

Technologies Used:

  • HTML5/CSS3
  • Ionic open source front-end SDK for developing hybrid mobile apps with HTML5 and AngularJs
  • Apache Cordoba
  • AngularJs 1.x
  • Sublime Editor
  • Github
  • GIT
Visit application in App Store

Login screen

Mojobs login screen

Search results screen

Mojobs search results screen

Search Screen

Mojobs search screen

Favorites screen

Mojobs favorites screen

Visit Warrensburg

Warrensburg Visitors Center

When: 2013-2014

Worked in Warrensburg Visitors Center website, created with Wordpress CMS as per business requirements.

Technologies and tools used:

  • Balsamiq
  • Wordpress
  • HTML5/CSS3
  • Google Analytics
  • Sublime Text
  • jQuery

Visit website


Old Drum page

Warrensburg Visitors Center

About Warrensburg page

Warrensburg Arts
Warrensburg Visitors Center web app

Warrensburg Visitors Center web app

When : 2013-2014

Warrensburg Visitors Center web application provides access to contact form information from VisitWarrensburg website.

Technologies and tools used:

  • Bootstrap
  • jQuery
  • HTML5/CSS3
  • PHP
  • Wordpress Plugin ContactFormDb
  • BootGrid jQuery Plugin

The application allows the user to:

  • Create/Edit/Remove user to access application
  • Display contact form reports in a Grid

Login screen

Warrensburg dashboard

Create User screen

Create user screen

Geometry Tutorial web application

University Technological of Panama - Final Project

When: 2010

Web application running as an interactive tutorial to help freshmen in studying Geometry for the admission tests of the Technological University of Panama.

  • PHP
  • jQuery
  • JavaScript
Geometry tutorial
Geometry tutorial

Protection One Panama logo

Protection One Panama - Personal project

When: 2011

Logo created for Protection One Panama security company.

  • Illustrator
  • Photoshop
ProtectionOne Logo

Contact me

Send me an email

..or Let's connect:

@2015 - Gianinna Caceres

Created with HTML5 - CSS3 - Bootstrap and